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Tourist spot

Goyang, a romantic city
full of culture and art

Ecological Park

Goyang, a romantic city
full of culture and art

Ecological Park

Hwajeong Culture Street
  • Address 56-1 Hwajeong-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do


Hwajeong Culture Street, constructed around Hwajeong Station on Subway Line 3, is the cultural hub of Hwajeong-dong. Firstly, there is nothing that the culture street doesn’t have. There are numerous facilities for convenience, including movie theaters, shopping malls, restaurants, exhibition halls and museums, large supermarkets, and parks. It is also the site of colorful street performances and shows during the festival. Frequently, performances and festivals that are distinct from the existing cultural streets are held, and there is the “Tok Tok” cafe for adolescents. In addition, a central park and children's museum are located nearby, making it an ideal weekend destination for infants and toddlers. In addition, there is excellent access to the Wondang and Haengjusansansong Fortress regions.
