passport information
Obtaining passport
Getting passport in person
- Filing receipt
- Identification
Somebody else on behalf of you
- If a person is an adult
- Filing receipt, consent form
- Person's identification
- Nominal person's identification (copy)
- If a person is a minor
- Filing receipt, consent form
- Person's identification
- Parent(s) identification (mother's or father's)
Document that can proof relationship between parent(s) and the deliverer
Parent(s) (father or mother) is picking-up themselves.
- Filing receipt
- Identification
- Valid identifications are citizenship, driver's licence, official card and military identification.
(expired driver's licence is not valid)
Holders must fill out both, within / outside the country for contact list and should not write anything else.
date of final modification : 2018-11-25 17:30:14