승리의 비결 강력한 신무기

Horn Bow
This is the most representative bow in Korea, and is made by combining buffalo horn, mulberry wood, cow sinew, and string, resulting in strong elasticity. The typical firing range is up to 200 paces. During the Battle of Haengju, when the Joseon army was running out of arrows, Jeong Geol, the naval commander of Chungcheong, arrived on a boat filled with arrows via the Han River. With the supply of arrows, the morale of the Joseon army rose, and they were able to achieve victory after a desperate battle.
최종수정일 : 2025-01-06 15:29:58
콘텐츠 관리부서 : 관광과 관광정책팀 031-8075-3403